
Roles and Permission Set

No SUPER permission is required to operate Sprinkler extension, or to configurate it. Sprinkler defines the following Permission Sets: **eeRis Sprinkler Administrator**: the EERIS SPK ADMIN Permission Set allows the full Sprinkler configuration. **eeRis Sprinkler Service User**: the EERIS SPK SERVICE Permission Set allows the main operations of import and export data. The user defined as [[DataDistributionServiceUser|Data Distribution Service User]] needs this Permission Set. **eeRis Sprinkler Service User DEMO**: the EERIS SPK SVC DEMO Permission Set is a demo/test one, having rimd permission over some standard tables, used for the test required for Microsoft AppSource certification and __must not be used__ ina a production database. Please refer to page [[DataDistributionServiceUser|Data Distribution Service User]] for further details. **eeRis Sprinkler User**: the EERIS SPK USER Permission Set must be applied to ALL USERS having permissions over the tables configured for data export. **WARNING**: without this permission, the users will not be able to operate over these tables. **eeRis Sprinkler WebService User**: the EERIS SPK WS Permission Set must be applied to the user for the remote authentication to the Web Service exposed by Sprinkler. Please see the page [[WebServices|Web Services]] for further details. **eeRis Sprinkler Monitoring**: the EERIS SPK MONITORING Permission Set is needed by user in charge of Sprinkler activity monitoring, but without Sprinkler setup modification permissions.