
Data Distribution Peers configuration

In this page it is possible to modify all configurations for Remote Peers //WARNING, if you delete a Peer from this list, all associated setup will also be deleted.// {{DataDistributionSetupPeerCard.png}} * Action **Retrieve Peer Information**: verify the Remote Peer connection using the configured connection parameters. * Action **Peer Export Setup**: opens the page [[datadistributionsetupout|Data Distribution Cfg. - Table Export]] to choose the data to send to this Remote Peer. * Action **Peer Import Setup**: opens the page [[datadistributionsetupin|Data Distribution Cfg. - Table Import]] to choose the data to handle, when received by this Remote Peer The available fields are: * **Peer ID** - Each Peer is identified by his //Peer ID//, corresponding to the Peer ID shown in his [Data Distribution Setup] page. * **Description** - Descriptive field, to be filled by the user. * **Export activated** - if the flag is on, the configured data will be distributed to the peer; otherwise the corresponding export setup will be ignored. * **Import activated** - if the flag is on, the data incoming from this Peer will be handled; otherwise they will be discarted and listed as Import Error. * **Server Name** - Descriptive field, to be filled by the user. * **Database Name** - Descriptive field, to be filled by the user. * **Company Name** - Descriptive field, to be filled by the user. * **Connection Type** - Connection technology; only WebService is currently available. * **Remote WebService Address** - Full WebService address for the Remote Peer. * **Remote WS Authorization Type** - Authentication type for the remote WebService: Basic, Windows or OAuth2. To define Basic and Windows Authorizations: * **Remote WS Authorization User** - User required for remote WS access. On Remote Peer, this user must have at least the permissions given by Permission Set **eeRis Sprinkler WebService User**. * **Remote WS Authorization Key** - Password or WS Authentication Key, as defined on Remote Peer. To define OAuth Authorizations: * **Client ID** - The Client ID set by the referring AAD for this connection. * **AAD Tenant ID** - The AAD Tenant ID where the OAuth2 authentication is set up (to create the target URL for authentication). * **Client Secret for OAuth2 identification** - This Secret is defined by the referring AAD, for this specific Client ID. * **Token Expires (mins)** - Usually 60 minutes, but this value it can be changed on referring AAD OAuth settings; in this case you should set this field accordingly.