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eeRis Sprinkler v.22.0
for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central up to v.24.0

<HTML><H2>Website User Privacy Policy</H2></HTML>

eeRis S.a.g.l. implements all necessary measures to ensure the highest level of security for users who visit its website, as well as the utmost attention in the collection and management of data acquired during navigation or provided spontaneously by the user using the form contact or e-mail addresses listed on the site.
The legislative framework to which eeRis S.a.g.l. refers in the privacy discipline is that provided by the provisions of the Federal Data Protection Law (LPD), the relative Ordinance (OLPD) and the Telecommunications Law (LTC). Furthermore, where applicable and not in conflict, the indications of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (GDPR) are followed.

The Data Controller (hereinafter also the “Data Controller”) is eeRis S.a.g.l. based in Lugano, c / o DEMAFID SA, via Besso number 59, 6900, Lugano, Switzerland. The company eeRis S.a.g.l. it is registered in the commercial register under the number CHE-383.041.707. The Company can also be contacted through the e-mail address

The data processed are navigation data and data provided spontaneously by the user.

• Navigation Data
The computer systems and the set of software procedures necessary for the functioning of the website acquire, during their ordinary operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.
This category of data includes, for example, the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the website, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.), the size of the file obtained in response, and other parameters relating to the user's operating system and computer environment (browser used for the connection).
The navigation data collected in this way are saved for a maximum period of 12 months.

• Data provided spontaneously by the User
This category includes all personal data provided spontaneously by the user of the website, therefore in a totally optional way. By way of example: when you write to the e-mail addresses indicated on the website to request information, when you register in restricted areas to benefit from specific services, or when you fill out a contact form available on the website.
The User assumes responsibility for any personal data of his and / or third parties published or shared through this site and guarantees to have the right to communicate or disseminate them, freeing the Company from any liability to third parties.

Except for the navigation data that are necessary to implement the IT and telematic protocols for the functioning of the website itself, the provision of data by the users of the site through the other methods made available is free and optional.
However, it is necessary to keep in mind that failure to provide some of the data will inevitably make it impossible to proceed with the requests forwarded or that the user intends to forward to the Data Controller. By way of example, if the user requests through the contact form to receive information but does not indicate any contact details, the Company will not be able to process the request.

Navigation data: purposes and legal bases
The navigation data is used to obtain purely statistical information relating to the use of the website, for security purposes and to check its correct functioning. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of any computer crimes against the website.
The legal basis for the processing of such data is the legitimate interest and, in the case of requests from the Authorities, the legal obligation.
For the use of cookies for specific purposes, please refer to the part called “cookies” in this document.

Data provided directly by the user: purposes and legal bases
The personal data provided by the user on an optional basis by spontaneously contacting the Data Controller are used exclusively to process any requests made and allow you to use the services requested.
The legal basis for the processing of such data is therefore the execution of pre-contractual measures and the obligations arising from the contract.
If necessary, the data may also be used in the face of the Data Controller's legitimate interest in carrying out defensive activities or asserting or defending a right in court. Without prejudice to the legal obligation that the Data Controller must satisfy upon requests from the Authorities.

The data collected is processed with the aid of IT tools. Adequate security measures are adopted in all processes to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use, as well as preventing unauthorized access to data.
The Data Controller retains the User's personal data as Data Controller where such processing has a legal basis or falls within the legitimate interests and does not affect the protection of data or the fundamental rights and freedoms of the User.
We inform you that servers physically located within the European territory are used for the processing of data connected to the website services.

The data will be processed for the time necessary to perform any service requested by the User, or for the pursuit of the purposes described in this Policy.
The retention times will vary depending on the type of data processed, but, in general, these criteria will be referred to determine the retention period:

  • legal or contractual need to keep data.
  • if the data are necessary to provide the services.

Once the need and / or obligation to process the User's personal data has ceased, the Data Controller will delete them or make them anonymous or, if this is not possible (for example, since the personal data have been stored in the backup archives), to keep them securely, anonymizing them and excluding them from any further processing until their cancellation.
About the processing for marketing purposes, in the absence of specific legislative or regulatory indications, the data will be processed and stored (except for opt-out or revocation) for a reasonable time with respect to the interest expressed by the person to whom the data refer to the initiatives of the Data Controller, who will periodically verify the effective persistence of the interest. In any case, the User can always request the interruption of the processing or the cancellation of his data, as indicated in the paragraph “RIGHTS OF THE INTERESTED USER”.

The data will be processed directly by the Data Controller or by employees of the Data Controller who have been previously authorized for processing.
The data may be known by the competent Authorities in the event of specific requests which the Data Controller is required to follow up due to legal obligations and by the Data Controller's consultants for the management of the dispute and for legal assistance in the event of any disputes for which their involvement with access to data is necessary.
The data may also be shared with consultants or companies that may also be located outside Switzerland and / or outside the European economic area, which provide data supply and processing services on behalf of the Data Controller, as well as IT assistance for the activities always carried out. on behalf of the Owner. These subjects are required to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of the data subject, they are required to protect data through the legal obligation of confidentiality.
The subjects belonging to the categories listed above will process the User's data as independent Data Controllers or, if necessary, as Data Processors or Appointees appointed by the Data Controller.

Under no circumstances will the Company transmit or transfer the collected data to third parties without specific consent from the interested party. This consent, if necessary, will always be clearly requested indicating the categories of subjects, or the single denomination, to which the Company will transmit or transfer the data.

The law recognizes the right of the interested party to ask the Data Controller free of charge at any time to access their personal data, to rectify or cancel them, or to limit their processing, or to oppose their processing, in addition to the right to data portability.
The interested party may request from the Data Controller the list of names of any subjects to whom the Users' personal data have been communicated and / or transferred.
The interested party may assert your rights at any time by contacting the Data Controller through the e-mail address
The interested party is informed that, if he believes that the processing of his personal data is in violation of the provisions of the regulations in force, he has the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Supervisory Authority, or to take the appropriate judicial offices.

Texts, images, and any other multimedia content present on the site is owned by the Owner or licensed to the same.
All distinctive signs and trademarks indicated and used within the site belong to their respective owners or licensees.

A cookie is a short string of small text stored in the computer, tablet, mobile phone and on any device used by the User to browse the internet, capable of storing the User's navigation information and then being re-transmitted to the same site. at the next visit by the same user. of the User when visiting Internet pages.
Cookies are intended to make websites work more efficiently, improve their performance, and to provide information to site owners.
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this site acquire, in normal operation, some navigation data which by their nature are not immediately associated with identified Users, but through processing or association with data held by third parties could allow the identification of the Users / visitors to the site (such as, for example, IP addresses, type of browser and operating system used by the user, time of request for access to web pages).

This website uses only technical cookies to ensure the correct navigability of the site and improve the experience lived by the user on the web pages.
Technical cookies manage the data necessary for the provision of the pages and facilitate navigation, allowing, for example, not to have to re-enter the user and password to access specific services, to remember the last page visited or to what extent it was seen. a video, to recognize the type of device in use and to adapt the size of the images accordingly. Technical cookies also allow for aggregate statistical analysis on the most visited pages and user preferences, but only anonymously, and are not used to analyze the behavior or preferences of individual users.

Browsers allow you to control and disable cookies through the browser settings. However, we point out that disabling technical cookies can cause the site to malfunction and / or limit the service offered.

en/eula.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/18 20:04 by