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eeRis Sprinkler v.22.0
for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central up to v.24.0

Out of Transaction Replication Process

The replication process can be initiated either automatically (because the user or an automated process has modified data subject to replication) or OnDemand via AL code;

When a modification needs to be replicated, the related data is inserted into the [eeRis Spk Outbox Entry] table:

The internal processes referred to as CORE, both on the Source Peer and the Target Peer, are responsible for moving data between various staging tables within the database, while the WSHANDLER process transfers the data with a SOAP call to the Target Peer.

Normally, a single modification transaction is saved as a single row in the [eeRis Spk Outbox Entry] table; the only exception to this rule is the RENAME case, for which we refer to the Attention Points on RENAME page.

en/datadistribdescription_outoftransaction.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/10 16:37 by